How to Live Through a Renovation and Stay Organized
Living through a home renovation is a test. A test of your patience, planning, trust, and relationships. While the promise of a shiny, updated space is tantalizing, the journey to get there can quickly become exhausting and high stress. Here are our top tips to help you keep your cool and stay organized during a renovation.
Plan Ahead
1. Create a Detailed Timeline
Sit down with your contractor and hash out a timeline. Knowing when your kitchen will be a no-go zone or when your bathroom won’t let you bathroom will let you plan for other accommodations.
2. Set Up a Temporary Living Space
Identify a part of your home that the construction crew hasn’t claimed. Make it your sanctuary. Equip it with essentials like a mini-fridge, microwave, and coffee maker because caffeine is a non-negotiable during renovations. “It’s just like camping!”, you can tell the kids…
Declutter (shocking I know)
3. Declutter Before the Renovation
Before the hammering starts, make sure you’ve sifted through the drawers and cabinets for anything you can get rid of. This is a small step that’ll have a huge time saving impact when it comes time to unpack back into your new space.
4. Pack Smart
Box up the items in renovation zones. Use big labels and write down all the contents, because searching through a sea of identical brown boxes is a special kind of torture. Stack boxes from most-used to least-used items.
Use a System, Any System
5. Use Portable Storage Solutions
Easy-to-carry storage systems like rolling carts, wire storage racks, plastic bins, and portable closets will make it easier to live a more normal life while keeping things together and tidy. If you can, always opt for clear storage totes so you can see everything at glance and mix in a few small clear totes so small items don’t get lost in the mix. Also, label everything.
6. Designate Zones
Your temporary living space needs zones—think of it as a mini version of your house. Have a cooking area, a workspace, and a relaxation zone. This will help you maintain some semblance of normalcy and avoid living in one giant, chaotic mess.
Stay Flexible (Because I guarantee plans will change)
7. Embrace the Chaos
Renovations are unpredictable. Delays and surprises are the name of the game so the more you can roll with these the less stressed you’ll feel. It does always work out in the end, have trust in the vision and your tradespeople.
8. Communicate with Your Contractor
Establish clear communication agreements and expectations with your contractor from the start. Have a discussion around what progress updates will look like from them and their frequency will give you a guide to refer and speak to. Staying updated on the progress lessens the chance for surprises.
Maintain Daily Routines-ish
9. Keep Up with Daily Tasks
Amidst the chaos, try to keep up with your daily routines. Clean up after meals, do your laundry, and tidy up your living space. This will help you feel more in control and less like you’re living in a construction site—which you technically are, but let’s not dwell on that.
10. Set Aside Time for You
Renovations are draining. Make extra time to relax with whatever works for you and relieve stress with exercise. Plan dates with friends or weekend getaways for a change of scenery since the current scenery is drywall dust.
Prioritize Safety and Cleanliness
11. Manage Dust and Debris
Renovations create dust. Lots of it. Ensure your contractor seals off construction areas with plastic sheeting and uses air purifiers to maintain air quality. Clean frequently to keep on top of it.
12. Keep Children and Pets Safe
If you have kids or pets, keep them far away from the construction zones. Set up a safe zone where they can play and move freely without risking an injury.
Make the Most of It
13. Focus on the End Result
Remember why you’re doing this. Visualize your beautiful new space and how amazing it will be once it’s finished. It’ll help you stay motivated and remind you that there’s a light at the end of this dusty tunnel.
14. Document the Journey
Take photos and keep a journal of the renovation process. It’s a great way to document the transformation and share your experience. Plus, it’ll give you something to laugh about later.
With careful planning, organization, and a hefty dose of humor, you can absolutely navigate a renovation while living your (sort of) normal life. Declutter before the chaos begins, create a comfy temporary living space, and maintain your daily routines as best as you can. Stay flexible and focus on the end result.
If you need help organizing your home before, during, or after a renovation, our team of organizers is here for you. We’ve got the tools and tips to help you survive and thrive through the renovation rollercoaster.